Cannot Delete a Mailbox with Retention Policies Enabled

I ran into a weird issue this week where I was trying to forcibly remove a deleted (inactive) mailbox, and was getting the following error: "The user mailbox couldn't be permanently deleted. The user mailbox has at least one type of hold or hold policy applied to it." The annoying thing about it was that … Continue reading Cannot Delete a Mailbox with Retention Policies Enabled

Export Sent Items using eDiscovery

Security & Compliance - eDiscovery for the win I recently ran into a situation where I needed to export all the Sent Items from a number of mailboxes within a very specific date range - we needed to export these items so that they could be ingested into a journaling mailbox later. Since you can't … Continue reading Export Sent Items using eDiscovery

PowerShell: Connect to the Security & Compliance Center

I had to recently do some eDiscovery work in the Security and Compliance Center (I'll post about that next, there was some cool PowerShell in there too 🙂 ), and as I often do, I turn to PowerShell to automate the process - or at least make it easier for me to do more things … Continue reading PowerShell: Connect to the Security & Compliance Center